The conventional implant was the first implant technique invented. These are two-piece implants consisting of the root component and the tooth component. Though this type of implant system is not followed in most modern clinics, it still deserves to be one of the best implant systems. At WE Dental center , conventional implant systems are also practiced in a wide range successfully. It is cost-effective but involves more care of the teeth, both during the removal of the tooth and post-removal and implant care.
In this system, the implant is placed in the jaw bone and covered with a cover screw or a healing cap. A minimum of two to three months of waiting period is required for permanent crown fixation. This waiting period is required for the bone to adhere firmly to the implant surface, thus ensuring good stability. After confirming implant stability, the tooth component-abutment is attached, the impression is made, and the crown is fixed in another three days.
The tooth is extracted, the implant is placed immediately, and the cover screw or healing cap is placed. In certain cases, depending on the stability of the implant, immediate loading can also be made possible, just to avoid the waiting period. The impression is made, and the crown is fixed in 2 to 3 days, or after 3–4 months of duration.
The concepts involved in full-mouth implant treatment are as follows:
About four implants are placed in each jaw—upper and lower—immediately after extraction. Depending on the stability of the implant, immediate loading is done and the crowns are fixed in a week or a waiting period of 3–4 months is given, and then the impression is made for the permanent crown and fixed in three days time.
About six implants are placed in each jaw—upper and lower, immediately after extraction. Depending on the stability of the implant, immediate loading is done and the crowns are fixed in a week or a waiting period of 3–4 months is given, and then an impression is made for a permanent crown and fixed in three days time.
About 8 implants are placed per jaw with or without extraction (neither decayed nor missing teeth). Impressions are made after three months, providing good implant stability for permanent crowns, which are fixed in another three days time.